Feeling Dammed?

No, not “damned,” haha!

The English word “encumbered” traces back to so-called Middle French (i.e. the French language from roughly 1550-1800 AD) and the noun “combre.” At that time, a combre was a dam built in a riverbed to hold back fish. That led to the verb “encombre,” which meant “to obstruct or burden.” In English today we have the words “cumbersome,” and “encumbered,” which reflect the state of being held back by something, like fish being held back by a dam.

So, when it comes to updating your website or blog content, are you feeling like one of those fish being held back by an encumbrance? Updating content on a website can be a smooth experience in 2024 – we have the technology! You know it’s important to keep your website content fresh for SEO and organic search. No one wants to see a blog where the last post was 6 months, or a year ago. You have things to say, so what’s holding you back?

If updating your website is a hassle, I can help you. We can break down the dam that’s keeping your river of thoughts from flowing through. Recently, I’ve also stopped declining requests for site-building, so even if you don’t have a blog or website, we can work together to make sure you have a system that works with you, and works for you, instead of getting in your way.

Book a call with me and let’s get you unblocked!